Back to Tehran

De Iraanse journalist blogger Hoder, die sinds de opheffing van zijn krant in 2000 noodgedwongen in Toronto woont, gaat voor een kort bezoek terug naar Tehran. Hij denkt dat de kust veilig is gezien de naderende presidentsverkiezingen (17 juni a.s.). Mocht hij toch gearresteerd worden, dan heeft hij de volgende tips voor ons, buitenwereld:

…there are a few things I’d ask you to do, when someone gets arrested in Iran:
– Spread the word: No one can help if they have no idea what is happening;
– Get the English-language media involvedt: The Iranian regime is afraid of bad publicity and will panic if faced by collective media coverage;

– Don’t be surprised: Under duress, I may confess that I’ve been on the Bush Administration’s payroll to undermine the regime by helping to spread use of weblogs; I’ve tried to weaken moral values of young Iranians by promoting western culture and values; I’ve been part of a secret network of Israeli and American spies; I’ve distributed large amounts of money to Iranian dissidents, activists, bloggers and journalists inside in Iran so they can topple the regime. Nor should you be amazed to hear me say that I’ve been running a virtual brothel in Tehran from my apartment in Toronto; I’ve been trafficking heroin and cocaine to Iran; and I’ve been secretly dating Natalie Portman and Kyra Knightly and have even an illegitimate child with Rachel Weiz.

Je kan het e.e.a. volgen op en als er wat te melden valt, eventueel ook op deze site.

Miko Flohr, 11/06/2005