Global Romans (2). Batujaya and the global connections of Java in the first century CE
So, let’s just start with the place that got me into this thing in the first place. What was happening on the island where my grandparents were born when the Romans were building their riverine frontier in The Netherlands? Very little of the pre-colonial history of Indonesia is part of the western historical canon. Some […] |
Global Romans (1). The classical world through post-colonial eyes
I have lived inside the boundaries of what used to be the Roman empire for my entire life. Born in Rotterdam in The Netherlands, I grew up in Brabant, in the south of the country, and went to the university in Nijmegen, where they were still excavating the legionary camp as I arrived in 1995 […] |
Laat ons zuinig zijn op het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome
Design (7) – Animals from Bavaria
Design (5) – Fear of emptiness?
A fantastic new inscription from Pompeii – but what does it mean?
Despite the spectacular new excavations that are currently unfolding in the northern part of the city, the most significant discovery at Pompeii in recent decades was made just over a year ago, outside the main southern city gate, where a large and well-preserved funerary monument was dug up alongside the road that probably connected Pompeii […] |